Healings, Jesus Encounters and More: Prepare for the 2020 Evangelism Explosion by LEILANI HAYWOOD for Charisma News
Pentecostal Christians around the country are gearing up for an international evangelism explosion next year through GO 2020, a special edition of Global Outreach Day.
“From the East Coast to the West Coast, Assemblies of God is excited about GO 2020,” said Joe Oden, Assemblies of God National Coordinator for GO2020 and liaison for the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). PCCNA represents 40 million Christians in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Linked Church in Oklahoma City hosted a Global Outreach Day event in May.
The church is part of the International Pentecostal Holiness Churches (IPHC) denomination. Pastor Guillermo Rivera of Linked Church said his church members and volunteers reached out to the community on Global Outreach Day at a local park.
“We brought out the (Sidewalk Sunday school) truck, baptism tank, and we had served food and brought racks with clothing,” he said. “We served 50 to 100 people. Some people got baptized, and we gave away clothes we brought.”
For 2020, Rivera is leading a network of local churches with ministers licensed through IPHC. “We’re linking churches that have an urban mindset,” he said.
Oden said, “Our goal is to encourage all of 13,000 churches to be a part of this in some form or fashion with as little overall talking point every believer is a witness that each one can reach one as to another level of participation. The pastor could make a couple announcements for a Saturday in May to encourage believers to go share the gospel with someone.”
In Kansas City, YWAM’s GX International hosted an outreach with Bethel Family Worship Center that included a prayer walk, door-to-door evangelism and concert.
“There are were lots of stories of healings, people encountering Jesus and wanting prayer,” said Ivan Freitas, international leader of GX International.